Stuart Altman is an attorney who has represented the Chinese Community for over eighteen years. He feels it is not only important to understand the law but understand the client as well and how these various laws affect people differently in the Chinese Community. Mr. Altman’s feels his experience and familiarity with the Chinese community is extremely helpful because he understands cultural differences from the Chinese community and has explained this to the courts on many occasions. He is knowledgeable and practices in many different fields of law and feels this is important so that you understand the client’s entire situation and not just a part of it. Mr. Altman not only is a practitioner of Immigration Law but lectures on the Immigration Law to other attorneys so they can learn as well.
Stuart Altman is an attorney licensed in New York, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C. He is also a member of the United States Supreme Court and had petitioned that court to accept a case to expand the rights for immigrants in the United States. Mr. Altman’s practice consists of Immigration Law, Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, Civil Litigation, Divorce and Family Law, Housing/Landlord Tenant, Business Buying and Selling, Contract and Lease review, Summon’s Court, Traffic Court cases, Fire Department cases, and cases before the Environmental Control Board. He also does Appellate work for the courts listed.