Connecticut CLE Requirements

Connecticut CLE

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Connecticut CLE Requirements

Is CLE Mandatory in Connecticut? Effective since 2017, Connecticut requires that all attorneys report 12 Continuing Legal Education credit hours per year. Further details about the requirements are detailed on this page.

What About Connecticut Attorneys Also Licensed in Nearby States? About 80% of CT lawyers are also members of the NY State Bar. Only a small peprcentage of CT attorneys are only licensed in CT. As a practical matter, Connecticut attorneys can satisfy their Connecticut CLE requirement with CLE from their other state of licensure. For example, our Marino NY bundle will satisfy both state requirements. 

What specific subject matters are required in Connecticut? Two CLE credit hours required for ethics and/or professionalism

How many Marino Self-study CLE credits will satisfy Connecticut CLE requirements? Self-study through Marino’s online CLE courses can help you satisfy Connecticut’s minimum Continuing Legal Education requirements. As of now, Connecticut does not set a cap on self-study hours.

What are the Connecticut Live CLE Requirements? Instruction may be live or through self-study, including through Marino’s on-demand online courses.

Is a Marino CLE bundle available for Connecticut? In the future, Marino plans to offer a Continuing Legal Education course bundle designed just for Connecticut. Currently, you may use the Marino New York Compliance Bundle if you are also licensed in New York, or the Marino New Jersey Compliance Bundle if you are also licensed in New Jersey.

What special CLE requirements are newly admitted attorneys held to? Connecticut doesn’t give newly admitted attorneys a grace period. New attorneys are responsible for completing CLE hours during the calendar year in which they were admitted. This is why Marino is a great option for all attorneys, especially those admitted to practice later in the year who have just a short period of time to catch up on their CLE requirements. On-demand Continuing Legal Education courses with Marino allow attorneys to obtain their hours any time and anywhere they have a computer and an internet connection.

Is Marino responsible for verifying my participation? Marino’s prerecorded videos contain randomly embedded codes to verify your attendance in the course. 

Does Connecticut require attorneys to self-report their CLE attendance? Connecticut is a self-reporting state. Attorneys will report their own hours for credit to Connecticut’s MCLE Commission by certifying on their Annual Registration forms that they have completed the required hours. Attorneys are not required to verify their course-by-course hours but must keep records of their classes for seven years.

What is the certification cycle length? Annual

Connecticut CLE reporting deadline: Attorneys will certify on their required annual registration forms that they have completed the required hours.

Connecticut CLE compliance deadlines: The end of the calendar year

State Contact Info:

Connecticut Center for Judicial Education
90 Washington Street, 3rd Floor
Hartford, CT 06106
Fax: 860.706.5086

Link: Connecticut Minimum Continuing Legal Education Requirement