South Carolina CLE Requirements

South Carolina CLE

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South Carolina CLE Requirements

Is CLE Mandatory in South Carolina? South Carolina requires that attorneys complete 14 MCLE hours per year. Further details about Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Requirements are detailed on this website.

What specific subject matters are required in South Carolina? Of the 14 required MCLE hours, at least two hours must cover legal ethics. Attorneys are required to attend at least one hour of substance abuse or mental health CLE every two reporting years.

How many self-study CLE credits will satisfy South Carolina CLE requirements? You can use online courses to satisfy up to six hours of MCLE credit in South Carolina. These course might be approved by the South Carolina Commission on Legal Education and Specialization prior to attendance.

Does South Carolina have Live CLE Requirements? No, you may use online courses for all of your South Carolina CLE credit requirements.

Is a Marino CLE bundle available for South Carolina? In the future, Marino plans to offer Mandatory Continuing Legal Education courses for South Carolina so that you can get your CLE hours quickly and conveniently from wherever you are.

Is the CLE provider responsible for verifying my participation? No, South Carolina requires each attorney to file a compliance report to report their MCLE hours.

What special CLE requirements are newly admitted attorneys held to? Attorneys who are newly admitted to practice in South Carolina re exempt from MCLE requirement in the reporting year in which they were licensed.

Does South Carolina require attorneys to self-report their CLE attendance? Yes. In South Carolina, you are required to submit a compliance report annually to self-report your CLE courses.

What is the certification cycle length? Annual

South Carolina CLE reporting deadline: March 1st

South Carolina CLE compliance deadlines: February 28th

State Contact Info:

The Supreme Court of South Carolina
Commission on CLE and Specialization
950 Taylor St, Suite 120
P.O. Box 2138
Columbia, SC 29202
Phone: 803-799-5578


Link: Commission on CLE and Specialization