Washington MCLE Requirements
Washington CLE Requirements
Is CLE Mandatory in Washington? Washington currently requires that all attorneys admitted to practice take MCLE credits for licensure. Further details about Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Requirements are detailed on this website.
What specific subject matters are required in Washington?
- Minimum of 15 law and legal procedure CLE credits
- At least six ethics CLE credits
How many Marino self-study CLE credits will satisfy Washington CLE requirements? Obtain all of your 45 MCLE credits for the compliance cycle with our 30 course Washington MCLE bundle.
Does Washington have Live CLE Requirements? No, you may use online courses for all of your Nevada CLE credit requirements.
Is a Marino CLE bundle available for Washington? Marino currently offers a 45 credit MCLE bundle for Washington State. For more details, click here.
Is Marino responsible for verifying my participation? Lawyers are responsible for submitting their own attendance forms within 30 days of completing the course through Washington’s MCLE Online System. Click here to submit your course.
What special CLE requirements are newly admitted attorneys held to? If you are newly admitted to the Nevada bar, you are exempt from CLE for the calendar year in which you are admitted.
Does Washington require attorneys to self-report their CLE attendance? Attorneys are required to self-report their CLE attendance for any recorded courses, including those taken from Marino.
What is the certification cycle length? Every three years
Washington CLE reporting deadline: Any earned credits from the three year reporting period must be certified by February 1st of the year after your reporting period ends.
What are the compliance groups? To determine your reporting compliance group, click here.
Washington CLE compliance deadlines: Credits must be earned by the third year of your reporting period.
State Contact Info:
Washington State Bar Association
1325 Fourth Ave, Suite 600
Seattle, WA, 98101
Email: questions@wsba.org
Phone: 800-945-9722