New Hampshire MCLE Requirements
New Hampshire MCLE Requirements
Is CLE Mandatory in New Hampshire? New Hampshire attorneys are required to complete 12 CLE hours per year. More information about how to stay MCLE compliant can be found in this web page.
What specific subject matters are required in New Hampshire? New Hampshire requires at least two hours of CLE credit cover the topics of legal ethics, professionalism or the prevention of malpractice, substance abuse or attorney-client disputes.
How many online self-study CLE credits will satisfy New Hampshire MCLE requirements? New Hampshire does not limit the number of online courses that can be used to satisfy their CLE requirements. In fact, credit earned in excess of that required may be carried over to the following reporting period. Online courses provide the ideal opportunity to quickly and conveniently complete your CLE hours.
Does New Hampshire have Live CLE Requirements? No, New Hampshire MCLE requirements do not sipulate that the course be delivered live.
Is a Marino CLE bundle available for New Hampshire? In the future, Marino plans to offer Continuing Legal Education courses for New Hampshire so that you can get your CLE hours quickly and conveniently from wherever you are.
Is the CLE provider responsible for verifying my participation? The New Hampshire Bar requires your CLE provider to provide details to the attorney about the CLE course, and the attorney in turn reports those details.
What special MCLE requirements are newly admitted attorneys held to? New attorneys who have been admitted for less than six months are exempt from CLE requirements for the rest of that calendar year. New attorneys who have been admitted for at least six months are required to comply with New Hampshire’s CLE requirements for the year they were admitted.
Does New Hampshire require attorneys to self-report their CLE attendance? New Hampshire requires you to self report your participation in online courses. Your CLE provider will furnish you with course details for your annual reporting.
What is the certification cycle length? Annual
New Hampshire MCLE compliance deadline: June 30th
New Hampshire MCLE reporting deadline: July 1st
State Contact Info:
New Hampshire Bar Association
2 Pillsbury Street, Suite 300
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-224-6942
Link: Rules of the Supreme Court of the State of New Hampshire