New Mexico MCLE Requirements
New Mexico MCLE Requirements
Is CLE Mandatory in New Mexico? New Mexico attorneys are required to complete 12 MCLE hours per year. More information about how to stay MCLE compliant can be found in this web page.
What specific subject matters are required in New Mexico? You must attend at least two hours of ethics/professionalism CLE as part of your 12 required CLE hours.
How many online self-study CLE credits will satisfy New Mexico MCLE requirements? New Mexico attorneys can use online courses to satisfy four hours of their MCLE credit requirement.
Does New Mexico have Live CLE Requirements? Yes. Per the new Mexico CLE FAQ page, “Of the 12 required CLE credits, eight (8) must be live.”
Is a Marino CLE bundle available for New Mexico? In the future, Marino plans to offer Mandatory Continuing Legal Education courses for New Mexico so that you can get your eligible online MCLE hours quickly and conveniently from wherever you are.
Is the CLE provider responsible for verifying my participation? You will be responsible for submitting your own proof of attendance in online CLE courses. The New Mexico Bar requires a specific form on which to report these, plus a small payment.
What special MCLE requirements are newly admitted attorneys held to? New Mexico attorneys who are recently admitted and have practiced less than two years in another jurisdiction must complete Bridging the Gap training, which will satisfy their MCLE credits for the first full year of practice.
Does New Mexico require attorneys to self-report their CLE attendance? New Mexico only requires you to self report self-study and non-accredited course hours. All reporting info can be found here.
What is the certification cycle length? Annual
New Mexico MCLE compliance deadline: December 31st
New Mexico MCLE reporting deadline: January 31st
State Contact Info:
State Bar of New Mexico
5121 Masthead St. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Phone: 800-876-6227
Fax: 866-588-9437