Mississippi CLE Requirements

Mississippi CLE

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Mississippi CLE Requirements

Is CLE Mandatory in Mississippi? Attorneys in Mississippi must complete 12 hours of CLE credit per year. More details about CLE compliance can be found on this webpage.

What specific subject matters are required in Mississippi? You must complete one hour of legal ethics/professionalism CLE as part of your 12 hour CLE requirement.

How many self-study CLE credits will satisfy Mississippi CLE requirements? You can use earn up to six hours of CLE credit per year using online courses, including the required ethics course.

Does Mississippi have Live CLE Requirements? Yes: after allocating the maximum six hours of self-study, the remaining CLE hours – at least six – must be in a live setting.

Is a Marino CLE bundle available for Mississippi? In the future, Marino plans to offer Continuing Legal Education courses for Mississippi so that you can get your CLE hours quickly and conveniently from wherever you are.

Is the CLE provider responsible for verifying my participation? The provider is not required to verify your attendance in our CLE courses, but the course does need to be approved by the Commission prior to attendance. The provider is responsible for applying for approval with the Commission.

What special CLE requirements are newly admitted attorneys held to? If you are newly admitted to practice in Mississippi you must attend the New Lawyer Program. This program satisfies your CLE requirements for your year of admission as well as the succeeding CLE year.

Does Mississippi require attorneys to self-report their CLE attendance? Mississippi does require the attorney to self-report their CLE courses to the Commission in a written report.

What is the certification cycle length? Annual

Mississippi CLE compliance deadline: July 31st

Mississippi CLE reporting deadlines: August 15th

State Contact Info:

Commission of Continuing Legal Education
P.O. Box 369
Jackson, MS 39205
Email: cle@courts.ms.gov
Phone: 601-576-4622
Fax: 601-576-4733


Link: State of Mississippi Rules and Regulations for Mandatory Continuing Legal Education