Pennsylvania CLE Requirements

Pennsylvania CLE Requirements

Total CLE Requirements: Each attorney must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours of accredited continuing legal education each annual reporting cycle, with at least one (1) credit hour in ethics.

CLE Deadline: Group I: April 30th; Group II: August 31st; Group III: December 31st
Reporting: Pennsylvania is not a self-reporting jurisdiction. We will report all credits that Pennsylvania attorneys complete with the Marino Institute for Continuing Legal Education.
Reporting Information: Pennsylvania attorneys are randomly assigned to one of three Compliance Groups:

Group I reports from May 1st through April 30th every year
Group II reports from September 1st through August 31st every year
Group III reports January 1st through December 31st every year

Note: All of Marino Legal’s Online Courses may be used to satisfy your Pennsylvania requirement.

State Contact Info:

Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board
Pennsylvania Judicial Center
601 Commonwealth Ave., Suite 3400
PO Box 62495
Harrisburg, PA 17106-2495
(t) 800-497-2253
(t) 717-231-3250
(f) 717-231-3251