West Virginia MCLE Requirements
West Virginia MCLE Requirements
Is CLE Mandatory in West Virginia? The Utah State Bar requires that all attorneys complete 24 hours of MCLE in a two year reporting period. Further details about Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Requirements are detailed on this website.
What specific subject matters are required in West Virginia? Of your 24 required MCLE hours, a minimum of three hours must focus on one or more of these areas:
- Legal ethics
- Office management
- Substance abuse
- Elimination of bias in the legal profession
How many self-study MCLE credits will satisfy West Virginia CLE requirements? Online or other self-study courses can be used to satisfy up to 12 hours of MCLE credit in West Virginia.
Does West Virginia have Live CLE Requirements? At least 12 of the required 24 CLE hours in each two year compliance period must be live.
Is a Marino CLE bundle available for West Virginia? In the future, Marino plans to offer Mandatory Continuing Legal Education courses for West Virginia so that you can get your MCLE hours quickly and conveniently from wherever you are.
Is the CLE provider responsible for verifying my participation? The WV State Bar requests that sponsors report attendance electronically, but also prescribes that attorneys report their own attendance at mywvbar.org. See this WV State Bar web page for more info.
What special CLE requirements are newly admitted attorneys held to? Newly admitted attorneys are required to attend Bridge the Gap training which is provided by the West Virginia State Bar twice per year. This counts toward CLE requirements for the two year reporting period.
Does West Virginia require attorneys to self-report their CLE attendance? Yes, the State Bar requires attorneys to report attendance at mywvbar.org.
What is the certification cycle length? Every two years
West Virginia MCLE compliance deadline: June 30th of even years
West Virginia MCLE reporting deadline: July 31st of even years
State Contact Info:
West Virginia State Bar
2000 Deitrick Blvd.
Charleston, WV 25311
Phone: 304-553-7220