Antar Jones (718) 636-2270 Probate and Estate Administration Esq.
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Antar P. Jones is the founder of the Law Office of Antar P. Jones, PLLC, located in Brooklyn, New York. His practice concerns, among other things, advising fiduciaries and successful individuals concerning income and estate taxation matters.

Mr. Jones’ practice involves many complex post mortem taxation issues. In addition to having advised clients regarding insurance trusts, Mr. Jones has advised fiduciaries on taxation matters concerning how living trusts are taxed once the grantor has passed. Also, Mr. Jones has done extensive work concerning the annuity reporting requirements of Qualified Domestic Trusts in addition to how specifically marital deductions operate with respect to such trusts where there is a foreign spouse from a country that has a tax treaty with the United States.

Antar recently represented a beneficiary of several trusts that had been in existence for about forty years until they were subsequently decanted. In that matter, Mr. Jones protected the rights of his ward by careful review of the tax returns of two of those trusts. Mr. Jones also represents clients in United States Tax Court and before the Internal Revenue Service.

Antar received his LL.M in Taxation from the Graduate Program in Taxation at New York Law School, where he received the “A” grade in Partnership Taxation and Business Succession Planning. Mr. Jones has presented at speaking engagements on taxation and trusts and estates matters. He presented a speech entitled “What Happens When It Happens” at the NHS of East Flatbush in May, 2013. Mr. Jones has co-presented a speech and conversation entitled “Tax Issues Concerning LLC’s” before the New York City Bar Association Small Law Firms Committee, as well. In November, 2011, Mr. Jones published “Providing Capital to Entities or Individuals That Go Bust” on, a website owned by Thomson Reuters. Mr. Jones received an acknowledgment for his work on the textbook, Corporate Finance And Governance, Jeffrey J. Haas, Carolina Academic Press (3d ed. 2006).

Mr. Jones is a member of the New York State Bar Association, where he is active in the Estate and Trust Administration Committee of the Trusts and Estates Section. Mr. Jones volunteers as a pro bono attorney for the New York County Lawyers Association Tax Court Pro Bono Program.

In addition to managing his law practice, Mr. Jones enjoys studying French and playing the piano. Mr. Jones founded his local block association in Brooklyn, New York, where he currently acts as provisional president pending forthcoming elections. Before becoming an attorney, Mr. Jones had worked as a freelance pianist for about eleven years. Mr. Jones was privileged to act as a principal actor in the 1993 feature film entitled “Let’s Get Bizzee.”