As of January 1, 2018, there is a new CLE rule that applies to all New York attorneys admitted to the Bar for more than 2 years -they must now complete one CLE credit within a newly added category: Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias. The rule, states that programs which fall under this category must be related to the practice of law and “may include, among other things, implicit and explicit bias, equal access to justice, serving a diverse population, diversity and inclusion initiatives in the legal profession, and sensitivity to cultural and other differences when interacting with members of the public, judges, jurors, litigants, attorneys and court personnel.”
The good news for NY attorneys is that the new requirement will not change the total number of credits needed. Veteran New York attorneys still need a total of 24 credits. And CLE requirements for newly admitted attorneys will not change at all.
If you would like to take advantage of our special discount which fulfills this entire veteran NY CLE requirement, just click here.
As always, if you have any questions about fufilling your individual requirements, or the new CLE rule, please contact us by emailing or calling us at (212) 249-3779.